The husband, watching my stomach roll and poke out and shiver and wiggle in all directions, and me screwing up my face and going cross-eyed as every other powerful little boot lands on either some soft organ or in my ribs, says ...
"I thought they're supposed to slow down at the end?"
Me too, my dear husband, me too.
Apparently though, the idea that they slow down before birth because they run out of room doesn't take into consideration little lardos who absolutely run out of room but just put a lot more effort into rolling, poking, shivering, wiggling and booting. I admire his level of determination, but it does suggest a ton of trouble coming our way too.
Bless his not so little socks.
In other news, after receiving a very descriptive birth experience email from one of the girls in our antenatal class this morning, I felt my general state of relaxation about the whole birth thing evaporate in a heartbeat and I've decided that we might just adopt instead and Cuinn can stay where he is for ever and ever amen. He doesn't seem inclined to come out anyway, so it's a win win for everyone really.
(I'm trying to convince myself that of the three births that have happened so far from our antenatal class, although two of them appear to have been on the horrific side, the other was a really good birth (is there such a thing?) and that birth was using a private specialist from the same practice that I'm using. A decent sort of coincidence really)
And now, the husband and I are off on another adventure, this time a BBQ. I even made salad which looks like it could possibly be edible. Awesome.
One day till due date (Tuesday), two days till I'm assessed to see whether we move ahead with induction or go straight to a c-section (Wednesday), three days till induction (Thursday).
Everything else aside, it's been almost a year since this journey started with monitoring to the beginning of our IVF cycle. In some ways it feels like it's been happening forever, and yet usually in the same thought I can't believe that we're so near the end, so near having our (not so) little boy. It's been a hell of a ride, and thank you all so much for being there.
Smooch. How blessed we are that you have shared this journey with us! :)
And remember, sharing the birth story is a necessary decompression measure -- all new mums do it. Hell, I'm still doing it, and my kid was born three years ago! Going into graphic, obscene detail is part of the "I'm going to exert control over this experience and reclaim some of my equilibrium" process. I fully expect you'll feel compelled, at some point following Cuinn's arrival, to relive the whole experience out loud to a sympathetic friend. Or to just about anyone. I found myself telling my birth story to anyone who would listen, including the supermarket checkout clerk (when buying maternity pads) and the nurse giving Em her six-week immunisations. Someday I'll get over it. And I might just go through it again. Might. ;) Hang in there.
oh yeah - its 'bellysel' . . . . who makes these things up?
he he, i remember telling a male friend about my cervix not dilating quickly enough when katie was born, and him shutting me up really fast! the world is not always ready for our stuff, but put it out there anyway! in fact, if you could do it tomorrow morning . . .
Yes, that would have been helpful, but we're still in one piece - the little love is quite determined to make it to 40 weeks and at 39w6d today, he's effectively done it. I even drowned him in hot sauce at the BBQ last night but NUTHIN.
If nothing else, I'd really like to stop Al nesting ... I've got trees being moved, a fence taken down - boys are veeery different to girls when they nest. We clean, they make a mess. Plus I keep tripping over animals - both dogs and the cat have been on my heels for the last several days.
And now, I appear to have developed my first real pregnancy food craving (at 4.30am I was stuffing my face with jam on toast) and it wants to be satisfied right. now.
I can't believe he's nearly here. After following your journey for so long is seems sureal that this is actually going to happen. Really. Truely. big)!
Like the others have also said - I have been following your journey since the beginning, and am feeling so excited and happy for you and Al for what is about to become the most anticipated little family ever!
Big hugs S, I'm thinking of you all the time and can't wait for the big birth announcement.... not to mention cuddles when we manage to catch up again.
Much love, Clare and Joshua xxx
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