
Thursday, 25 July 2013

I made dinner

And I’m silly proud of myself.

The thing is, I haven’t cooked for years. I couldn’t even tell you the last time I tried to feed the husband and myself (the kids are still at that painful separate meal stage. The smallest one wouldn’t be, but the biggest one is an ongoing project for a number of reasons and the little one wants to do what the big one does so ... painful separate meal stage).

I’m in a bit of a tricky spot though these days. The husband is travelling a lot for work, and this girl likes to eat good food. Toast for dinner wore thin pretty quickly.  It dawned on me too that the husband and I can eat quite differently and I could and kind of wanted to, start trying to make simple meals for myself.  I swear I could survive on soup for the rest of my life. He of the six meals a day, most of them the size of my dinner? Not so much. Plus, without a word of exaggeration, once I started playing with my Petite Kitchen cookbook, almost immediately, I started to feel better and my eating started to change.  What I wanted to eat started to change.

I’m fairly sure we would have covered once upon a time, when I was crapping on about infertility instead of food, that I have endometriosis. I had surgery several years ago, pre IVF and stayed clean as a whistle as far as I could tell until I carried the not-ginger. Maybe it was the girl-child hormones, or maybe it was just the life of the surgery, but I did not feel awesome an awful lot. I’ve never really paid much attention to the impact of diet and endo, but it’s not something I’m willing to go under the knife for again so now I’m starting to pay a bit more attention and that little cookbook I bought by complete accident has turned into a spring-board for something just a little bit exciting.

( *cough* it's a meatloaf *cough*)

(Also, it was delicious)

Don’t think that I’m not going to finish the Global Baker project though.  There's no way I can let that go!!  I’m just slowing it down a little in the name of health and wellbeing and experimenting with a few other things in between (and sanity, during a temporary period of crazy routine and life disruption, and kid holidays).

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