
Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Things I'm loving right now, the sartorial edition

Texture.  It's fun, and it also feels like I'm being really clever, adding interest and dimension to my wardrobe without stepping outside my colour comfort zone.  I'm very fond of my colour comfort zone.

Stripes.  Yay, stripes!

Cropped pants.  A really bad idea with my cankles, but meh.

Progress in taking something of a reasonable photo. Go figure.

And layers.  Lots and lots of layers.  I don't know how I didn't hit on this before - they keep you WARM for a start (I know, right? genius), but really long base layers hide all your wobbly bits and still let you wear cool short top layers if you so desire.  Happiness.  I've been pretty lucky (my Mastercard, not so much) to have be able to have some wardrobe fun this year - a lot of my layers needed replacing but I've also lost 10kg over about 9-12 months so .... my pants AND tops were falling down.  Not good for me, not good for you.  Thankfully, I managed to get most of a capsule wardrobe sorted before the bathroom flooded and we lost ourselves in the paint shop.

Uh, also, in relation to those shoes ... they are Tracey Neuls and were designed in the UK.  And possibly also shipped from there.  Bad, BAD (happy, new-shoe-loving) ginger.  But you do have to understand, there are shoes, and then there is art on your feet (I like that.  Art on your feet.  Heh).  Of course, it's a bit tricky when you've publicly committed to buying only New Zealand designed fashion for a year, and I do feel a little bit guilty, but ... um ... Well, look at them.

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