Wednesday - Diseased kitchen-guy is back spreading germs for another couple of hours.
Thursday - The husband starts sniffling. And sneezing. And looking a bit crap. I steer well clear of the husband with clear instructions to him that he is NOT to share.
Friday - I wake up a bit sniffly and feel foggy and sniffly most of the day. I'm hoping it's psychosomatic but I have a sense of forboding nonetheless.
Saturday - Bleh. Still sniffly and starting to sneeze. I accused the husband of being an inconsiderate pillock for sharing despite orders issues earlier in the week for him to keep it to himself. Have trouble going to sleep but it's just little sniffles, so I use all the pillows on the bed to sleep elevated and assume that all will be well by morning.
Sunday - 1am. Game over. Full blown cold with associates aches and pains. Bollocks. I am not amused.
Luckily I am still able to brandish a camera. Wanna see the new kitchen?
Firstly, the old kitchen (so you can appreciate the fabulousness of the new kitchen) ...

And now, the new kitchen ...

(The cupboard on the bottom far right is yet to be installed. The metal baskets are still AWOL. As is the extractor unit, hence the dangly hose above the oven)

Luckily, you can't see in any of those pics how in need of a vaccuum my floors are. All is well with the world. Aside from imminent cold-related death that is.
Ooooer look at you with your new kitchen.
I have a cold now too. I gave Tobin so much shit about the 'man flu' last time he was sick that I am not able to whinge about how crap I feel. Damnit.
The new kitchen looks gorgeous!!!
Boo to dieseased people bringing thier nasty germs near you!!
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