
Tuesday, 19 February 2008

There will be a quiz at the end of this.

Are these, or are these not, the coolest boots you have ever seen?

I mean, they have red leather lining with white polka dots for heavenssake! I have such a weakness for red and white polka dots.

They even look like they could cope with my cankles!! Happy boots.

Contrary to normal Ginger behaviour though, I didn't buy, place on hold, or even laybuy the boots (!!), but I did hunt down pictures to show the husband ... who promptly fell off his seat in horror.

So, it's off to the poll, which the husband has decided will run for a week.

(P.S. I am actually allowed boots - it's just that the husband appears to have grave doubts about these particular ones. Hence, we are canvassing popular opinion.)


Anonymous said...

snakeskin cowboy boots are they? no? then they are NOTthe coolest boots i've ever seen. you should know better!

Anonymous said...

OMG.....They are so you...sorry....I have to vote FOR the Ginger!

Simonne said...

Well, they are definitely the second coolest! Can I have another vote please?

(Thank yooou Gen!!)

Anonymous said...

I like them!!

Anonymous said...

do it do it do it . . .
love em
and amelia will ADORE them!

Anonymous said...

Anything Campers is great - world's most comfy shoes ever. I wear a pair EVERY day

Mel Archer said...

Ooo ooo oo I vote for the boots!! Where can I get some? (in Dunedin so no worries about meeting on the street with matching shoes lol! )

Simonne said...

Camper, Mel. At least, I assume it's Mel. If it's Phil, they're girls shoes. But, you know, if you're into that sort of thing I pass no judgement ;-)

BTW - someone from my work went and had a look at the price. Eek! Luckily the husband scratched the benches good is all I can say! :-)