
Thursday, 7 February 2008

He's so innocent, I almost feel bad

The husband, cleaning out a cupboard in preparation for ripping out the old kitchen before the new one goes in on Tuesday, says ...

"We have a lot of Tupperware."

Me "Not as much as we could have."


Him "Is that a threat?"



(Bless him for providing me with so much bloggy material ... although the whinging about the jandal post is getting a bit old. He seems to think that I should have mentioned that he took one look at the price and walked out the shop, while I shrugged, picked up the box and trotted to the counter. I really don't see how it's relevant though. And they were $199 on sale. He seems to think that that needs to be mentioned also. Honestly. Whose blog is this? And on that note, I was watching Campbell Live tonight and they were talking about No Crap Month - the general principle is that you refrain from buying anything you don't need for a month, and see how much better your finances feel at the end of it. No coffees, no takeaways, no ... erm ... handbags ... that sort of thing. And, bearing in mind that our mortgage has just rolled over to a new fixed interest rate and the repayments have gone up $500.00 a month for nothing, now is probably a good time to embrace a lack of crap. I'll keep you posted.)

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