He's got a long way to go, a loooong way, but Cuinn seems to be trying to work out what it is he's meant to be doing and making vague efforts to do it.
I can say that there is pain ... there is vomiting ... there is ... other fun stuff. And an oddly smoochy cat, go figure - my cat doesn't really do smooth, she more does feck off inferior being (although, to give her her dues, she did sit on my stomach and incubate Cuinn for about a week solid after embryo transfer).
There have been none of the big signs of early labour, nor have there been contractions (I don't think - the pains seem to come in waves, but between peaking waves they don't actually go away entirely) - it's more like a bad day at the period office (ergo, I feel like I've been hollowed out with a blunt spoon). I haven't even bothered to ring the obstetrician because, what am I going to tell him?
It started at the joyful time of 1.30am this morning. Then abruptly stopped about an hour and a bit later once I'd dragged the husband home from work. Woops. Still, at least I got a few hours sleep before it kicked off again at about 5ish. And then stopped abruptly again about an hour and a bit later. Bless. I think I've quite likely got a day or two, maybe more (I'm shooting for the auspicious date of the 19th at this point), but the big hurrah! is that I think he is going to manage this by himself and that's the awesome thing. He can grumble away to his heart's content over the next few days (we've got 5 to 6 before the OB steps in) as far as I'm concerned, just so long as he manages it himself.
How I manage remains to be seen of course - I had fabulous intentions of keeping my strength up this morning and had eggs on toast for breakfast, which I violently puked up again about 10 minutes later. Apparently pineapple lumps and sweet tea are perfectly acceptable though. Excellent. Just what I imagine I shouldn't be scarfing and swilling with what may or may not be in the not too distant future because I'm guessing pineapple lumps and tea aren't chock full of electrolyte replacementy stuff and glycogens. Do you think Panettone is? Any chance at all?
Ah well. Watch this space.
I'm off to google electrolyte replacementy stuff and glycogens and keep talking encouragingly to my little man (contrary little poo more like -he's aiming for the weekend, I'm sure of it. Or else, he's going to have me dancing on the spot aaalll weekend and then have to be induced on Thursday. What's the bet he's a ginger ... ?)
oh shit! (sorry) the midwife DID tell us why we needed to eat up large, and why high calories are ok, but can i REMEMBER? happy dance being done over here . . .
i think its because you use like a million cazillion calories during labour (the name is not misleading!) and you need to keep em topped up. glycogen is sugar in the muscles, and that is what stops you getting fatigued. if you can throw some protein in the mix, like a smoothie with added egg, and honey, and banana for potassium . . . perfick . . . and don't worry about scarfing - some of it will stick!
big huge enormous energy vibes coming your way from aussie!
Lots more labour vibes going your way...it sounds promising, hopefully this all means it really is happening. Thoughts and prayers with you hun.
its all very science-y - but does give a good explanation of why you need hydration - and has a mention of isotonic drinks (like gatorade etc) right at the end, and why they may be useful . . .
I guzzled powerade through my labours. Can definitely recommend. Especially if the puking keeps up too.
LOTS of labour vibes coming your way. Fingers crossed this turns into the real thing really soon so you're not too worn out by the time its all on.
Yay Simonne! I'm so excited things are starting to happen!
i know you are probably in labour right now, and this is your first baby and all, but would it be too much to ask to get an hourly update???
seriously, can't blimmen concentrate over here, have to keep checking this thing . . . don't know if you realise this but cuinn is kind of a big deal over here!
Helloooo! There's nothing much to update, horrible child! other than I'm still here, and he seems to have put the brakes on, other than the odd twinge which hardly even registers. Maybe he'll decide to play ball again during the night ... in the meantime I'm snoozing lots just in case, and because I'm a bit shattered after the unexpected activity during the night :-)
Ooo ... and my OB is making hard copies of my notes/birth plan for the relief OB because it *could* be early labour, but otherwise our induction is booked for Thursday, so either way, whether kidlet moves his ass himself or we point him in the right direction, we've got less than a week to go! :-)
I'll keep ya posted!
(Excellent, I screwed up the word verification! Heh)
That's a reeally good article and it makes a truckload of sense - much more appropriate than some of the stuff we got at antenatal classes. In fact, I think all we got at antenatal classes was something that told us to pack easily digested foods, but the whole athlete/muscle work comparison thing actually twigs a bit more than the energy from food thing. In my poor tired kidlet-fried brain anyway!
what really stuck with me (its coming back ever so sloooowly) was that women get way too tired, then kind of give up, and with the right type of energy boosters they might get enough extra oomph to go the distance. the midwife taking the class was so pragmatic, and had a huge chart of biochemical stuff to look at, and answered EVERY SINGLE ONE of my science-y type questions - just so we could understand what was going on at certain times. for me it demystified some of the process, and made it more practical and thus more manageable (in some weird sense, given the incontrollable nature of it in real truth) when i liked it to a marathon run, and i know enuff sports science to understand that - like carb loading, where you stock up your glycogen stores before a big event so your liver can keep on supplying your muscles all the way home, and rehydration. last century, when i had my other kids, i can honestly say i knew nada. i had katie on one piece of white toast (all i was allowed at 7am before induction) and ICE CHIPS for god's sake. could they not see the size of my thighs? jelly babies would have rocked the party. again, i never used this stuff this time around, but hopefully it helps you.
i am packing for our move (our contract went unconditional yesterday), and keep coming back to the laptop as though drawn by a magnet.
if Little C has not sauntered out of the birth canal by wednesday, youses guys can come to my hotel and sit in the SPA! amelia will love you for that. failing that, you can walk around the zoo with us, chasing said amelia, on thursday - if that doesnt get the little pooper going - nothing will!
Walk around the zoo?? Are you serious?? I can hardly walk up the HALLWAY!!
*sigh* I feel like a McDonald's burger. What a vile thing to feel like.
yes, well, thats all i wanted at the BEGINNING of amelia's pregnancy . . . makes no sense at ALL . .. except that it is high calorie, high fat, high sodium - in short ENERGY DENSE FOOD . . .
the word verification word is, i kid you not,
WADUL . . .
Awesome. Hopefully I won't be doing that for too much longer!
Out! Out, baby, out!
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