
Thursday, 15 January 2009

In which I say very little at all

What can I tell you?

I'm not doing anything interesting, because I can't.

The kidlet hasn't arrived yet, because he doesn't feel like it.

I thought things may be starting to happen yesterday when I had what I thought was an almighty contraction, but it turned out to be an isolated incident and therefore I guess it wasn't. I'm pretty sure that Cuinn has dropped down though, possibly even engaged, so what I think it might have been was my body giving him a great big hand to get down there. You'll be wondering, so I'll tell you (poor boy readers) - it was like a bolt of pain that went from my cervix through to my lower back, banded around low in my front, then travelled fast up and over my bump and sort of squeezed like hell and pushed down somehow all at the same time. And made me go completely bug-eyed even though it only lasted, I don't know ... seconds.

For all there was no repeat, I did feel like complete bollocks for the rest of the day - crampy, nauseous, tight all over my bump and by late afternoon the only thing that was really comfortable was on my hands and knees hugging my swiss ball ... and today I am, yes, walking a bit like a bandy legged sailor and feel as though something rather solid is lodged rather low (walking aside, it's also kinda hard to sit to very long and just when I thought my required sitting position couldn't get any more unladylike - apparently it can), although not lodged where I imagined it'd feel lodged to be honest, so whether it's a combination of wishful thinking and imagination remains to be seen. Then again, we've also established that the kidlet has my sense of direction, soooo... (oh, and the feet and knees that normally poke out are poking out quite a bit lower - phew for that because knees and feet under ribs was getting veeery old)

The thing that does make me snort about the whole thing is that post whatever it was, I had two immediate thoughts ...

1. Shite, I have to clean the bathroom (Hello?? Why?? I'd only cleaned it about 3 days before).

2. Why do they tell us to pack a food bag? Who the hell would want to eat with something like that going on??

And I also today contacted my beauty therapist to see if I could move Saturday's appointment forward to today, just in case. I can do a couple of extra days of hairy legs at the other end, but no blimming way am I starting out looking like a ginger gorilla.

But, for all that, there really is no indication that he's imminent. I'd love for him to do this on his own - I really don't want to be induced (harder, faster labour with a big ass baby, more chance of intervention blah blah), and I'd rather recover from a natural birth than a c-section, but one can also think wishfully to the moon and back - the little monster will do what he does. Plus, we're going to have two lots of family in town late next week who otherwise wouldn't get to meet him for a long while, and I'd really love if everything comes together for that, although if he doesn't do his thing tonight/tomorrow I want the little sucker to stay in there until next week (early next week is perfectly acceptable, but next week nonetheless) because my OB is not on this weekend and that isn't on.

I did teach the husband how to use the blog (and Facebook) last night though - I have a phone list ready to go with the news, so you needn't worry that said news will bypass you (unless you're not on the phone list of course in which case ... bummer for you) - but the easiest way to get pictures out is really just uploading them here. Assuming he doesn't forget ... although I think he realises there will be a call for blood if he does, so we should be right.

The one thing I will say is that the phone list is la decent size, so if I text to say he's arrived, and you text back - don't expect a response. You might get one, but don't expect it and don't be offended (please, please, PLEASE! if you don't get one back for a bit). If nothing else, texting when I can't feel my fingers is a mission, and I imagine I'll just want to focus on my baby and my husband and probably the residual affects of my drugs, not having text conversations with 20 people. I'll do my absolute best to make sure we don't miss out any vital details though - I promise!

And that really is all there is for now.


Anonymous said...

Well the sailor walk is normally a good sign that that someone might be at least considering co-operating and heading in the right direction.

Sending lots of labour vibes your way and hope he does haul butt soon for you.

One piece of advice I left out of the book though was regarding the arrival but it looks like you got it right on anyway, sure send us all out a text and after that, if you want, turn off your phone and enjoy your new family. It's your time to treasure!

Anonymous said...

yep - its a happening thing. your description pretty much described my experience 3 days out from having chelsea (my 9 pounder). seriously, i thought she was going to fall out - hahahahahhaaa!

re the food, seriously, pack jelly babies or something similar even chocolate - low blood sugar can lead to fatigue, which makes the pain worse - and you need energy sources that you can readily draw on - powerade and the like is good also - dehydration from all the work plus sweat can make you really tired, and thus make you work harder than you need to. or so the midwife/physio pointed out to us in the classes we took before amelia . . . which were, of course, a complete bloody waste of time in the end . . . andrew ate my lollies and drank my drink , but then - he was in imminent danger of fainting, so that was a good thing.

cant wait cant wait cant wait cant wait . . .

Anonymous said...

man, i am seriously into this baby thing - my first thought on waking was to trot downstairs (reaaaaly quietly so amelia didnt wake up), and see whats happenin'. AND the thought BEFORE that (sort of a dream but more like a sleep recall moment) was that our delicious midwife said that the reason some natural births don't go all the way through is fatigue, the mums get too tired to go on, because their electrolytes and glycogen levels drop - which was why she said to eat, and drink electrolyte replacementy stuff, just to make it to the end. and lets face it, if there is any way that baby is getting born naturally, YOU WILL DO IT. how do i know this? well, lets just say i have seen your niece move veritable mountains to get what she wants, and APPARENTLY, such determination has a direct link to the hair pigmentation she shares with her one and only paternal aunt.

seriously - am i the only one who finds your security words very apt at times, in a lateral sense that is - like today's one - OVENSITU-???