
Saturday, 17 January 2009

Not even half a niggle

Not even a twinge during the night ... but I had the most beautiful sleep (and no, I didn't sleep like a baby, because the baby apparently used my insides as a playground all night - I had to keep rolling on him to stop his feet kicking out 10 feet in the air). 12 hours and I only got up 3 times (instead of the usual up every hour to hour and a half) - and one of those was at 6.30am mostly to let the dogs out anyway. Woohoo!

Sooo ... today ... am feeling good, very waddly, but no icky tummy, no pains to speak of, rested ... generally the complete opposite of yesterday! I am that person who it seems has an over-active labour imagination and gets everyone else all excited with me. Excellent.

I wonder if this means that I should do the vacuuming today? Crap.


Anonymous said...

hey babe, i am loving the drama. keep it up! and yes, do the vacuuming - and hopefully cuinnsicle will try and get out to see what the hell is going on, and then try and fix the machine!

Anonymous said...

I feel so trendy. I am following your labour progress through your blog! You're so cool to keep posting updates... Saves people ringing and asking you the same questions over and over and OVAH. Hang in there, my dear. It sounds like shizz is happening. That's what we like!

Anonymous said...

Maybe if you jump up and down while you do the vacuuming?