
Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Current mission

Trying to stop puppies from trying to sniff the wallpaper steamer while it's going.


The piccy omitted last night ...

From the renovation files, aside from the serious mess, things are progressing.

The first lot of curtains (the bedroom curtains) are due back from being remade in 2 weeks, and I've done some preliminary hunting for a duvet/bedspread for the master bedroom ... nothing serious, just enough to realise that finding the right something to fit with the curtains is going to be a pain in the ass. Oops.

We've had a plasterer through who has given us an indicative figure for skim coating the walls, although we're going to line up another quote for that as the guy that came through said $3,000.00 to $4,000.00, and if you ask us (which, technically you didn't, but your mere presence here will be treated as evidence of your curiosity) that' s a pretty loose figure. A variation of a grand? At that cost level? Hmmm. If it was $10,000 to $11,000.00, then maybe, but at this point I'm iffy. Does the $4,000.00 depend on whether his wife decides to buy a new handbag that week ...? Maybe the husband should investigate becoming a plasterer ...

Oooo and we've added insulation to the list - for the obvious benefits vis a vis ...well, insulating the house, but also for soundproofing around the master bedroom.


Because the husband works nights and the sound buffer might help with sleeping during the day if and when there are little people in the house, you filthy minded ...Yeesh.

Did I mention though that the original renovation budget didn't have insulation in it and the insulation is $5,000.00? Eek. No more new shoes for aaaaaages.

I think that's all the progress covered. I hope so, because all the lights in the office are taped down so I can't turn them on (wires hanging out the wall and such, and a slight propensity to accidentally do myself bodily harm with that sort of thing), and I'm going a bit cross-eyed typing in the dark.

Happy Wednesday for tomorrow.

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