
Thursday, 8 November 2007

I'm so proud ... I mean ... horrified.

(Look away Jan and Gen ... come back another day!!)

Jess caught her first rabbit at the park today.

Horrifying, absolutely. But, completely hilarious all the same.

She flushed it out, chased and caught it (Jack was busy sniffing undergrowth ... probably trying to work out where the bunny went) ... then put it back down again and gave it a nudge to keep on running so she could keep on chasing it.


(Bunny did get away. Completely unharmed. Jess is so used to chasing the cat - I think she probably just thought it was Jazz with longer ears and a shorter tail)

No babies yet, but I'm getting loads of exercise, leaping out of my chair every time my phone beeps ...


Anonymous said...

perhaps you could keep the phone beside you, then no more leaping

Anonymous said...

You warned me and yet still I read it! At least your pup didn't get a sound kick in the face like we are pretty sure one of cats has received! HAHAHAHAHA! (stoopid cat)

Simonne said...

Nope, as soon as pup was told to drop, pup dropped. We've trained them to be soft-mouthed because we had intended them to be raised with young children. Poor Jack, you can actually stick your hand in his mouth and he'll stretch his mouth wide open so he's not touching you, and just stay like that until you remove your hand!

Simonne said...

(There would have been booting, by the way, if there hadn't been dropping! and she wasn't allowed to chase it a second time)