
Wednesday, 14 November 2007


irony / n. (pl. - ies) apparent perversity of an event or circumstance in reversing human intentions.

I'm sitting in the cubicle at Diagnostic Medlab, having all my blood sucked out (seriously, how do they need fifty five million little tubes of blood? Can't they all share the same tube?) so that I can be tested for everything under the sun in preparation for IVF.

Then this sails through the waiting room walls ...

Little boy "You shush"


Little boy "No, YOU shush! MMMUUUUM!!! She told me to shush! She's not allowed to tell me to shush! YOU HAVE TO TELL HER TO SHUSH!"

Mum "Keep your voice down"

Little girl "I did not!"

Mum "Shhh"

Little girl "But MMUUUUUMMMM... I DIDN'T!"

Mum "Shhhh"

Little Boy "Haha! YOU shush!"

Little girl "No YOU!"

*Whop* *Whop*



I looked at the lady still sucking all my life force out and asked her very politely to stop the blood test, I've changed my mind.

She looks at me, then my form, bursts out laughing and says "It's worth it. I promise."

Well, if she's lying, I know where she works.


Nikki Elisabeth said...


And the chances of twins increase with IVF don't they? How do ya feel about triplets?? ;)

Anonymous said...

you need to have twins, or at the very least create a roster so your parents can get equal time with baby!

Simonne said...

Yes, I hear a certain little person was a hit!!

I think there'll probably be blood shed come February when you add an auntie into the mix as well!

In the meantime, thank goodness for her Bebo page :-)

Anonymous said...

when we were at the koala sanctuary, random japanese tourists rushed up to us and cooed at her, then took PHOTOS . . . weird, random photos of 'velly butiful, ruvry baby' . . . we are buying armor for her to wear to the wedding - and drawing up a cuddle planner!