
Monday, 1 September 2014

Well, hey there Blondie

A bunch of our friends are doing Sugar-free September, starting today, so I figured a post to honour them and their efforts was definitely in order and there's nothing quite like a white chocolate brownie to say, rather them than me.

I'm as yet undecided as to whether these brownies originated in heaven, or hell.  And since it's a Gordon Ramsay recipe, I think that'll always remain a little bit up in the air.  I can tell you though that they are every bit as good as they look, they prefer a cup of tea to coffee (I took one for the team and tried them with both, because obviously an informed opinion is important), and although the recipe says to cut them into 9, I hedged and cut mine into 12 (I saw what went into them, a ninth of that mixture in one sitting? Er, no. Even for me, lover of noms) and next batch will be 16. 

These were also the reason that I finally got around to buying a brownie pan, which has been on my bakeware shopping list since forever.  Normally I'd just use a slice tin, but this was one of those recipes that I thought needed the real deal.  I'm definitely glad I real-dealed them.  I think real-dealing them definitely made a difference to the end product.

She's a proper, proper brownie, the Blondie.  So good.  Proper crunchy on the outside, chewy on the inside.  (The fruit you can see is dried cranberry - a lovely sharp contrast to way more butter and sugar than should probably be allowed anywhere)


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