
Friday, 5 October 2007

Castle Walmsley and the new window fun

Long story short (and actually, for a change, when I say it's the short version, it really is), our old (wooden) windows are rotting out and something needs to be done about them, as disgusting a thought as that is. And, when it comes down to it, if we're looking at spending significant money getting them fixed properly, we figure that we might be better to replace them entirely.

Which is all well and good, but my brother is a builder, and when I ran it past him yesterday he said that the general rule of thumb with a house lot of windows is $1,000.00 per window (set, not individually, thank heavens) and $2,000.00 per door (eek), which, when one counts up how many sets of windows one has in one's house ... it's quite a lot. I seriously hope that that's an installed cost. Ug.

Why can't these things just be free? Sort of like a bonus for ... something. I swear, as a child and teenager you spend that much time fantasising about being a grown up, and how much fun it'll be when you'll be the boss of you, and yet here we are. It turns out that it's much more preferable for someone else to be paying the bills and grinding their teeth over mortgage interest rates and the like.

Still, it's very exciting to think about how completely broke we'll be at the end of it.


Nikki Elisabeth said...

'Tis another reason why I'm seriously happy to be renting... for the foreseeable future (eg. FOREVER.)

Hope you find a good builder/glass guy who doesn't cost you the ends of the earth. xox

Nikki Elisabeth said...

Ermmmm... just had a re-read of my comment. Can something cost you the ends of the earth? Sheesh, I'm a terribly cliche mixer-upper. Possibly my worst habit ever.