
Monday, 8 October 2007

Oh good. How Helpful.

Just as I had run out of things to blog about ...

I had a gorgeous day planned for myself on Saturday. I'd been having pain on and off all week, and I was sooo looking forward to Saturday and treating myself ala happy credits. I had a hair cut booked, followed by a trip to my beauty therapist to get my eyes done, and the ever-fun bikini wax. From there it was to be home to wake up the husband, and then take the puppy monsters to the park for a good frolic. Dinner was planned as a nice lazy soup (Thai coconut curry with lemongrass and coriander courtesy of le supermarket) and bread affair, followed by an early night for moi (the husband got to go to work, lucky him).

So, come Saturday morning, I peeled myself out of bed (first appointment was 9.15am - a rude start, but meant a leisurely day with lots of time left over), had brekkie, hung out the washing whilst marvelling at what appeared to be a glorious day for a change, picked up the dog poo off the lawn (may as well start the day with the glamorous stuff), had a shower and then got ready for my hair cut.

I was just putting my cardigan on with about 10 minutes spare to do my hair before walking out the door, when my engagement ring caught on my cardi (at this point, you're probably thinking that I put a hole in a new cardi, and I was a bit pissed about it, right? Wrong). I detangled the ring without needing to pay a lot of attention, and went to adjust my wedding and engagement rings back together (the wedding ring fits around the engagement, but sometimes it spins off the engagement ring and it's viciously sharp when it does because of the shape, so I'm always adjusting them back together) with my thumb ...... eeeexcepppt ...... it felt ...... kind of ...... odd. Almost like ..... there was no diamond in there!!!!!!


Obviously, this was not a good start to the day.

By the time I'd hyperventilated, several times, used a string of very, very, very bad words, and stared at the gaping hole where a rather expensive diamond used to be hoping it would magically reappear, I had negative minutes to get to my hair appointment. There wasn't really a lot I could do about the diamond, save tearing the house apart, and I couldn't place when I was last sure the damn thing was in the setting anyway. Even if I'd lost it that morning, it could have been anywhere on our property. When you think that it could have dropped on Friday morning even, Jess (who is always close by when I'm home) could have even lain on it, picked it up in her coat and transferred it outside or even to the park (you'd be amazed what that dog can pick up in her coat!), I might have lost it at work (and the cleaners come through on a Friday night), somewhere in the middle of Newmarket, at Botany on Friday night ... the only thing I could really do was ring the insurance company. Plus, crawling around the house (later in the day) on my hands and knees had its own hazards - the husband kept sneaking up behind me.

So, early Saturday morning, 2 stylists, a hair washer, a salon manager, my hairdresser and another client, looked a bit cross eyed and a little afraid as a semi-manic, hyperventilating redhead tore through the door with her hair sticking very much on end (remember - the lost diamond was discovered before the hair was done, and after that, doing my hair wasn't really a priority). I did get an extra long head massage though, once all was explained. Bliss.

Sunday was an improvement - we went out for brunch (mmmmm eggs benny), to look at rings (depending on what the insurance company says vis a vis fix or replace, we at least wanted to know what we'd do in either instance, and what jeweller we'd use), and to a kitchen place to look at new kitchens in case we decide to do the kitchen at the same time(ish) as the windows (depending on how the quote for those comes out).

All in all, an eventful weekend, don't you think?

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