
Monday, 7 April 2008

It's dark humour, but humour nonetheless

Songs to inject yourself with drugs by:

Breaking the Habit - Linkin Park

Mr Brightside - The Killers

(There's a post coming, with an update even - hopefully it'll be up tomorrow xo)


Anonymous said...

about bloody time.
this is like getting to the nitty gritty bits of a good novel and finding that some nonce has pulled the pages out!
plus, seeing as how people were paganly egg hunting at easter, wouldn't one of your posts have fitted right in there?

Mel Archer said...

Glad to see you back! Hope everything is going well....:)

Simonne said...

It *is* a bit inconvenient hmmm! Over a year on online whinging and building up to IVF and the bloooming computer goes kerput at the start of the cycle!

It's not really blogging when you have to write the damn posts out long-hand first. And then rewrite them because you can't read your writing. Several times.

On the bright side, I'm mostly hormonal and self-absorbed, and it'd be boring anyway for all youse.

Anonymous said...

hee hee - hormonal and self-absorbed - you say that likes its a BAD thing . . . years of that ahead of you yet, so live it up . . .