
Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Speechless is what I am

Picture this ...

I am sitting on the couch reading a book while the husband is cooking dinner, using brand new knives which I gave him this afternoon as a present.

I can hear a regularish thunk thunk thunk as he chops stuff up with great enthusiasm.

Me, calling out "How are your new knives?"

Him "They're great!! You could chop the end of your finger off and not even feel it!"

Me "Cool!"



Me, suspiciously "Have you?"

At which point he comes into the lounge sporting an extremely large grin and shows me a digit which, yes, is bleeding profusely.

And he wonders why I don't let him anywhere near my needles.



Anonymous said...

I should be surprised and yet I'm not! *snigger* *snort*

Nikki Elisabeth said...

Your hubby worries me.

Simonne said...

My hubby worries me too!

(Oooh ... Nikki ... do you think a yellow hat might be possible?)