
Monday, 28 April 2008

Yo ho ho and a bottle of ... HOW many eggs did you say?

They retrieved 18 eggs this morning. 18!! Above and beyond expectation, and apparently they all came quite easily too. It didn't feel that 'easily' to me - that needle hurts as much as it looks like it does - but I'll take their word for it.

I was very clever and got the nurses on side by baking them some brownies yesterday morning. It never hurts to make sure that the people who are in charge of the drugs are feeling well disposed towards you, that's for sure. As it was, it was a bit of light hearted relief to arrive in theatre to find 2 out of 4 people chewing!

The hospital will let me know tomorrow morning how many eggs have fertilised, and everyone is expecting to go ahead with embryo replacement this week. We'll either replace Thursday if there is a particular embryo standing out as being a goodie, or else, if there are lots of embryos looking much the same, they'll wait till Saturday to see if a stand-out one develops. I won't know until Thursday morning though, what they're opting to do.

In the meantime I'm on bed rest for 2 days, and I can offically report that at this stage, I'm being very well behaved. I just woke up, and considering I got home from the hospital at just after lunch, that's none too bad.

So, the worst is well over, and although it hurts a truckload more than I thought it would, that's what the bed rest is for.

Now we cross everything that our little embryos grow well over the next few days, and that we get a good fertilisation rate. Normal is about 70% from memory.


Anonymous said...

I had a thought about your "bed rest" - it could get quite expensive. as the yellow pages ad says "let your fingers do the walking" - Just imagine this: Simonne bedresting with laptop = on-line shopping = Al doing more overtime! enjoy - you deserve it. Am still keeping everything crossed for you. Stay away as long as needed (although we do luv & miss you!) - Lynn
ps Jan got tipped out of her kayak yesterday - serves her right for taking time off!)

Anonymous said...

amelia wants to know if she can play with the needles and things when you have finished with them. i said no, and that you might let her have a hold of her cousin/s instead. she just waved her stapler at me and grinned.

things are looking awfully good for you right now . . .

Nikki Elisabeth said...

Just had to giggle at the 'worst of it being over' - ermmm you do realise that if you end up preggo then you'll have to give birth right? not exactly a walk in the park ;)


good work with the multiple eggies lady!