Temporarily of course.
I went to see my insurer yesterday, filled out the requisite paperwork and spent about 15 minutes trying to explain to the girl that no, I didn't know where the diamond was, and yes, it was lost... gone ... poof ... ta ta ... never to be seen again. They required me to tell them exactly what happened when I discovered the diamond was gone, which I did. Except, the girl got a bit stuck on the cardi bit and couldn't seem to get her head around that it wasn't the getting stuck in the cardi that caused the diamond to come out, getting stuck in the cardi was because the diamond had already come out and that's how I found out it had. We all know how patient I am with these things. Yeesh. I should have just said that the ring felt lighter. Much easier for everyone involved.
Anyway, next step, I took the ring into Diamond & Time who are going to quote on replacing the diamond, and that's that for about a week until I get the quote back (oh and the lady today at Diamond & Time was a complete cow ... just thought I'd throw that out there. Among other things, she told me off for not having my rings serviced annually. Doh! I had no idea you're supposed to).
Oh geepers - you have to get your rings SERVICED?!? I barely even get my car done!!! (OK, by barely even I mean NEVER)
Hope it all works out and you get your pretty sprarkly ring back on your finger soon.
Tell me about it! Bollocks.
i thought dairy cows and cars were the only things needing yearly servicing. and gas heaters.
whatever . . .
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