
Friday, 26 October 2007

Summer is upon us

Ish. In theory. Sometime in the next couple of months. We hope.

And, to celebrate yon warm sunny season, I've been bikini hunting.

At least, bikini hunting in the sense that I know I need a new one and, as a result, am avoiding anything that even remotely resembles something you go near a pool in.

It seems that what I really need is something that starts around the shoulder area and finishes around ... well, realistically, my toes. Bikini shopping is a bit like jeans shopping, except there is no nice great expanse of demin to suck in all your wobbly bits, should you find a nice great expanse of demin that you can actually fit more than your big toe in.

Bollocks to bikinis.


Anonymous said...

hee hee, you wrote demin, instead of denim . . . for someone who admits to being pedantic about typos that is classic.
made my night - ta!
now i go feed the voracious beast maquerading as your niece.

Simonne said...

Erm ...


At least I've been spell-checking ever since ...?

(Also, my hideous embarrassment was tempered somewhat by your spelling 'masquerading' wrong .. hehe. Although you didn't do a ranty blog post about typos, but still! Hehe)