
Wednesday, 21 May 2008

All good in the house

Today's blood test showed my HCG levels are right on track. HCG should double every 36 hours, and today's measured 8,532. HCG last Wednesday was 518.

There's a lovely graph supplied in a handbook by the good people at Diagnostic Medlab which, if I'm reading it right (we've discussed my aptitude for mathsy type things before, so I've probably looked at it upside down or something equally backward) No. 9 is in about the 75th percentile for the HCG he's throwing out. Clever little toad. I'd have put a linky but they had this great big copyright warning and I'm too pretty for prison. That, and I couldn't work out how to get past the 'you need to download something to do something and to do that you have to click over here and have an intelligent moment' box thingy that flipped up to open the damn thing on my home computer. Way too hard basket.

8 week scan is booked for Thursday 12th June and all being well, we'll be able to see No.9's heartbeat.

And now, I must go. I am sitting at my computer looking through to the lounge at the copius quantities of dog snot covering the lower half french doors, and thinking that I really should clean them ...so I need to move somewhere where I can't see it.

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