All of the embryos divided into 8 cells overnight - except poor wee Rupert who appears to be having a bit of trouble counting to 8. Mind you, he's got no fingers or toes to help, so what's an embryo to do? He's definitely our kid though - unco-ordinated AND crap at maths. He gets the maths thing from me. I'm so proud! I never understood division either.
Embryo transfer was tentatively scheduled for 10.15am this morning, but since all the embryos are doing the same thing at the same time (except for Rupert - he's obviously special, but not reeally the sort of special we're after), we're now waiting until Saturday to see if one stands out from the rest as being stronger, prettier (yes, prettier), etc. Never fear though, at the moment although the embryos are "not classically beautiful, but they're doing exactly what they should be". (Huh? Classically beautiful? They're blobs in a petri dish!)
I have a few concerns about Saturday's transfer (11.30am by the way).
One is that I have to have a full bladder for the procedure. I'm blimmin concerned about them fiddling around down there for an extended amount of time while I'm completely busting and then having to lie prostrate for a while, in theory relaxing, but most likely frantically praying to every God there is that my pelvic floor muscles are still good.
The other concern is also related to the full bladder.
One assumes that as soon as they give me the all clear to stand upright again, the first thing I'm going to be doing is dashing to the loo...
But, what if the embryo ... you know ... falls out?
I tell you, this business is fraught with worry, it really is.

I'm telling's all about walking on your hands....though that said I'm not sure how you would manage the peeing thing...maybe they could just give you a catheter then and there so you can lie prone from a couple of weeks yeah? (and give the husband the chance to practice feeding your grapes as you gracefully recline...or something similar)
any embryo out of this lot is so not gonna fall out - it will adhere like GLUE and then give you hell until you kick the bucket in a hundred years or so, which is, in my book, a perfect prospect.
hoping it all goes exceedingly well today.
we have a spare, almost matching stapler by the way - altho, given the non-dexterity issue it may not be the ideal birth-gift. on second thoughts, it so is the right gift.
it will be used to staple siblings' bit and pieces just like alex's one was . . .
Hi I hope it all went well yesterday. My thoughts are with you :)
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