I'm working my way around it, but it's completely exhausting in the meantime.
Friday morning I woke to pretty bad cramping and had to take my time, more than normal, getting ready for work. I spent most of the day feeling like my insides had been dug out with a blunt spoon. Very uncool. But, taking it veeeery slowly, the rest of the day passed with nothing much more than strong twinges. Strong twinges I don't mind - kiddly is growing after all, and things must stretch. And, considering my middle is the only part of me in pretty good shape (a fluke, I assure you), it has to stretch quite a bit.
Saturday was a very long day however. I woke a bit before 2am with a full bladder, and did my usual stagger down the hallway, trying not to trip over assorted animals and my own feet. Mission accomplished, I started to feel quite crampy, but figured crawling back into bed would sort that out. Yeah ...not so much. The pain built quickly and ferociously until I couldn't stand it. I've only ever been in that much pain once or twice before, and I really would prefer to save practising for labour until a little closer to the time. So, a little after 2am, I collapsed in the shower hoping that the warm water would take the edge off enough that I could cope with it.
And then, at about 7am, the bleeding started. Again. Or rather I should say it gushed out (yes, very lovely, I know) as soon as I stood upright, so it probably started around the time I crawled back into bed truth be told. And it kept up, all blimmin day (not heavily though, thank goodness). Obviously, I made it as far as the couch and again, tried to move as little as possible throughout the day. Again.
Today I'm following the same plan. Quietly does it and all that. The bleeding had stopped by last night, and there has been no more today. I swear, in the last week, I have aged 10 years. There should be a standard cosmic veto on this sort of crap happening to an IVF parent. Seriously.
I'm trying my best to take careful note of what seems to be making what's probably normal (twinging, stretching etc), a whole lot worse (unbearable, curled-in-a-ball-in-tears pain). So far I think that the very worst thing I can let happen is for me to have a full bladder. That seems to be the beginning of the end. So, last night, I set my alarm, got up twice in the night (the first time around midnight, an hour or two earlier than I normally wake up) and things seem relatively calm today. And what the hell, right? it's not like I'm going to get any sleep once kiddly is here anyway.
you have info coming out your, well, whatever - I know - but this page became my mantra during amelia's early days.
bravery is not nearly a strong enough word for what it takes to get through this, but whatever the word should be is what you are showing. just a few more weeks and the second trimester will give you a brief breather.
and sleep. yeah right. get what you can now, and accustom yourself to strange unusual and teeny weeny amounts. for at least a year anyway.
Gosh I wish I'd found the info on the birth.com.au site when I was having my bleeding a few months ago, I am in awe at your candidity (is that a word? lol) at this time, Simonne - I was too busy wrapped up in bed being miserable to blog at all... I really really hope that it sorts itself out soon - sending lovely preggie thoughts your way...
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