I was busy updating my budget today, and feeling quite faint at the horror of it all, when I received a very appropriate email ...considering a quick tot up showed that the husband and I spent $300.00 last fortnight on petrol, and all we did was go to work.
These two were my favourites.

Bloody hell. That is like one handbag or pair of shoes a fortnight, or two if you purchase on sale. HOW CAN YOU DO THAT TO YOURSELF?
Let alone cheese . . .
Andrew bikes to work, and I work from home so we avoid that kind of pain.
Mega ouch.
Love the cartoons tho.
I knooooooowwwwww!! *sob*
Ya whaaaaaaaaaat?
Well, small mercy - when you are on maternity leave, that's $150 per fortnight that you won't have to fork out for!
hey you - what's happenin' in number nine land? pictures of bellies, scans, passe out mothers-to-be happily accepted. I am loving following this kiddling's progress.
I'm echoing ruth on that one - I've put my scan photos up ;). Re NZ Gardener - I think if you check the website you can subscribe to the emails or flick me one and I'll 'refer a friend'. They are good :) - Mel
I'm developing such a fondness for scan pics ... now that I know which way is up, and which bit is the kid!
I'll go and have a poke around the NZ Gardener at lunchtime - thank yooouuu!! I hope they haven't blacklisted me for previous crimes against vegetation ... I really want to change. I want to grow something other than weeds. I want the husband to lift the ban on me even looking at the house plants ...
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