Maybe it's the cheese on toast ...? I have a feeling Nicole Kidman doesn't eat cheese on toast.
Why oh why doesn't she look like a hippo?
The kiddly house has taken on a slightly strange shape in the last week ...which you can't really see in the pic, so I probably shouldn't have mentioned it. It's almost a bit of a double bump because it sticks out at my belly button, kinda caves in a bit, and then goes out again heading up to my rib cage. I guess that's No.9 shoving all my internal organs into weird and wonderful places to make way for him/her to pop out of my pelvis in the next few weeks. For the moment, we'll pretend it's a good thing because No. 9 is causing me to improve my posture. Any hint of a slouch gives an uncomfortably strange my-insides-are-being-completely-squashed-and-it-feels-like-my-stomach-is-in-my-chest-argh-is-that-indigestion?? sensation. Cool.
On the yippee! front however, I'm out of my maternity jeans temporarily, and back into my beloved, super comfy, half dead, normal jeans. A freakish kind of 'progress', yes, but there you go. I think it's attributable to the massive bloating post-IVF settling down, and the kiddly house moving up slightly.
I do still wonder at what point it will truly feel real that we're going to have this kid. Or a kid even. Any kid. Us. A kid. Aside from the slightly worrying prospect of the powers that be allowing the husband and I to raise another person, it still feels a bit like we're in a bubble. I look at the early scan pic of No. 9 that we were given a couple of weeks ago (which I can't work out how to load because I wasn't that much of a genius before No. 9 took my last remaining brain cell) and it still feels ... incredible ...as thought it must really be happening to someone else.
Actually, looking at that belly pic, it may just be quite a good idea to pretend it is someone else.
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