They gave us the wrong kid.
This one doesn't like chocolate.
Or lollies.
On the whole though, this morning sickness business seems to be limited to the occasional bout of queasiness, long may it last. Oh, except for Saturday afternoon. No. 9 had a sudden and irresistible need to reverse my lunch while I was out walking puppies which was very uncool.
Otherwise, we're good. Le tummy is growing at an alarming rate, and Al is having regular serious talks to No. 9 to remind him that his 'house' is a one bedroom and he's not allowed to have friends over. I guess we'll find out at the 8 week scan whether our kid is starting out life ignoring us.
And in other news, Al and Pal Stu went hunting on Saturday and murdered 4 ducks. Clever lads! After the great finger chopping incident of whenever it was that I gave Al new knives, I was a bit worried he might do something terrible like shoot his foot off. Or even worse, shoot Stu's foot off. But he didn't! I'm so proud! And, me and No. 9 are having roast duck for tea tonight.
Stay tuned for tomorrow's post - Budgety Seriousness. Eek!
You know there is an old wives tale that if you crave sweet stuff then you are having a girl but if you crave sour then it's a boy...not sure how reliable it is...I wanted both, preferrably at once and we all know what I ended up with!
That was from Gen by the way!
I was both, but then also love, love, loved sour worms late in pregnancy.
Budgety seriousness. I know all about that at the moment - working on paying off student debtosaurus. Slowly slowly.
Neither did Ruth ... no chocolate, no lollies, just Big Macs and horrible McDonalds coffee. And we got an Amelia. (So I had to eat all the chocolate and lollies, is the moral of that story.)
hi.... as mother 2X DBP and SGP really hope you have the most exciting time.... milestones last forever...into the 30's now and still counting.... all the best... pip k
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