
Tuesday, 13 May 2008

A little something while we're all waiting ...

Let's have a contest.

How many times can you twiddle your thumbs in a minute? (It seems relevant)

I can do 129. I think. I got my thumbs caught up a few times, and I lost count somewhere in the late 70's too.

The winner gets the prestigeous title of The Person Who Can Twiddle Their Thumbs The Most Times In A Minute.

Thank goodness we're in the last week of this waiting business. I do not do patience. Especially where No. 9 is involved as it turns out.


Anonymous said...

the worst thing is that you can't really go out and get toasted right now can you? that would stuff up your twiddling action something shocking but you wouldn't care.
all the traditional time wasters are just out of the question aren't they?
number nine is the KING . . .

Anonymous said...

I keep losing count....*stamps feet*

Simonne said...

I can't do anything - I usually drink coffee when I'm nervy so being nervy without coffee is a bit horrendous. Somehow carrots just aren't the same.

We do continue to hope that number nine is the king - there has been no evidence to the contrary ... which makes me feel better about no evidence to the contrary of contrary. Unless you count the eating. Al is walking around with a permanent bemused expression on his face about the amount of food going into my gob. I'm eating him under the table, which is quite impressive, all things considered.

Gen - the thumb thing IS harder than you think! Plus when you get your thumbs caught after you've been going half a minute, it's blimmin hard to untangle them.

Anonymous said...

knitting. try knitting. nothing like knitting to make you lose more patience than you even knew you had to lose. and then you have something to either rip apart or throw nastily across the room. bonus.