
Friday, 13 June 2008

Things that amuse us

People giving my stomach obvious, suspicious sidelong glances, unable to bring themselves to ask if I am in a delicate condition in case I'm just getting fat, but hoping I'll volunteer the information.

I find that if I meet their eye and smile sweetly at them, it adds to my general amusement because mostly they go a bit cross-eyed with frustration.


(Also, No. 9 continues to be a complete toad with terrible cramping (eye watering stuff I can tell you) to start the day this morning so my plan is to keep the couch warm all weekend and see what my OB (obstetrician) has to say on Monday. I think it's the scarring from my endo surgery and lesions tearing, or possibly adhesion pain - thankfully the practice has 2 other OB's who specialise in endo type stuff so hopefully they'll have a clue. Obviously though, the OB was a good call.)


Esther said...

Owwwie! Hope you feel better soon and that the OB manages to come up with a 'no hurting mumma' plan!
Enjoy a quiet weekend...no DVDs to recommend I'm afraid; I'm saving them all for when I need to 'rest up'
E xx

Anonymous said...

WARNING: these images may make you sick . . .
hell, i had more of a bump than that when i was two hours pregnant.

Simonne said...

I hope she has haemorroids.

Anonymous said...

are you alright there, are you? remind me never (ever!) to get on your bad side, hey? if tempted, just blame Al instead - he must have done something you don't know about.

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, you are SOOOOO pregnant, if there was any doubt still lingering. i mean, that was pure hormonal response right there.

hey al, wait til she is in LABOUR . . . he he he. you are in deep diddly doo doos.