
Friday, 6 June 2008

Things we are grateful for

That motorway traffic was unbelievably light on the same day that I left for work 15 minutes late because No. 9 decided that he did not want two eggs for breakfast afterall. Apparently he likes one egg for breakfast. Just one. Not two. With some toast perhaps, but definitely only one. He could've mentioned it. A headsup, as opposed to breakfastup would have been preferable.

And now, a quandary. I ration myself to two cups of tea a day. Or one cup of tea and one coffee. Either way, only two caffeinated drinks. What I'd like to know is, if one of said caffeinated drinks barely hits your stomach before reversing itself, does it count as caffeine intake bearing in mind that you only took it in for about half a minute? Do I start back at zero now, or am I one down, even though it came up? Surely it doesn't count as both caffeinated drinks because you had it twice. That'd just be evil.

Oh, and newsflash - I've found that somehow, Salt & Vinegar chips possess magical properties in relation to easing morning sickness. Even better, a whole bag of Salt & Vinegar chips costs the same as one preggie pop (although is not so easily transportable, and is a bit more obvious). Plus, I can still breathe while I eat them. Bonus!


Mel Archer said...

My gawd I am so recently familiar with what you are currently going thru! Hmmm I developed quite a thing for Le Snaks - and Milo. The good thing is that is does eventually finish (well most of the time) cause I remember at about the 12-14 week stage getting heartily sick of it all (no pun intended!)

Anonymous said...

OMG why did I not share the salt and vinegar chip trick with you sooner!!!!???? Seriously, they work don't they. I lived on them a while. That and flat lemonade.

As for everything else, firstly I think that means your caffine intake is back to zero.

Secondly, think you need to have a chat to number 9 about egg wastage when you talk about the cheese wastage hmmm?

Tanya&Andrew said...

hey, loving your blog,start my buserilin on thurs yippee. hey have found de-caf bell tea if you wanted to give that a whirl, problem is think since its decaf i drink it 5 times more he he, go figure!

Simonne said...

I hate to tell you but decaf is just as bad because of the chemicals they use to decaf it ;-) (That was in my book from the clinic (F+), but you're with a different clinic (FA?) I think?)

Good luck with your Buserelin - I'll be thinking of you! Drink LOTS of water!

It won't feel like it, but starting injections, you're on the downward slope now.

Anonymous said...

caffeinated drinks don't count if they are only swilling around in maelstrom-like stomach for nano-seconds. sadly, alcohol does - althooooo . . . in venice, andrew bought me 'tummy medicine' which was a strong nut liquer. sipped in teeny weeny weeny quantities it did soothe the achey burney aftermath a little. and felt mildly sinful. it also STAYED DOWN.

how is the little blighter anyway? we think about you everyday, as amelia sprouts teeth AND HAIR, and dances to the spin cycle of the washing machine.

Nikki Elisabeth said...

You can decaf tea yourself you know ;)

You pour in the hot water and leave it for... hrmmm... 20 seconds? and then tip the water out and pour in a new lot of water. Apparently the caffiene is the first thing to come out of the tea bag. I don't think it decaffienates completely... but 80% or something.

It's a tad more labour intensive but good for those times when you want more than one hot drink per day.

If you don't believe me then read this: http://www.fineliving.com/fine/favorite_things_essentials/article/0,1663,FINE_1426_1623125,00.html

You can google "decaffeinating tea" for more articles on the subject.


Simonne said...

Nikki - you are a GEM. Weeee! Decaf tea!! :-)