Scene - No. 9 is crashed out, snoozing on its stomach, making it extremely easy for the technician to get the nuchal fold measurement.
Technician "Ok. Lets wake baby up so we can get the rest of the measurements we need"
No. 9 *Wiggle... Wiggle wiggle... Wiggle... Wigglewigglewigglewigglewigglewigglewiggle. Wiggle. Wigglewigglewigglewigglewigglewigglewiggle. Wiggle wiggle .....*
Technician, trying to use the force "It should settle down in a minute ..."
Technician, five minutes later "This is a very wiggly baby"
No. 9 *Wiggle... Wiggle wiggle... Wiggle... Wigglewigglewigglewigglewigglewigglewiggle. Wiggle. Wigglewigglewigglewigglewigglewigglewiggle. Wiggle wiggle .....*
Twenty minutes later ...
No. 9 *Wiggle... Wiggle wiggle... Wiggle... Wigglewigglewigglewigglewigglewigglewiggle. Wiggle. Wigglewigglewigglewigglewigglewigglewiggle. Wiggle wiggle .....*
No 9 then started to do it's own little version of a push up - pushing its little legs against the side of my uterus and arching its back right up.
Technician, through gritted teeth "This is requiring some patience"
(No.9 was also very helpful and broke their printer when they tried to print a high-res photo of him/her. That's my kiddly!)
Things the person who has to give birth to the baby does not want to hear ...
Technician, sounding enchanted "This is a really big baby. And your dates are definitely right ..."
(TOP of the 95th percentile for size to be precise. I am definitely rethinking breeding with the husband. And almost blessing that placentia previa for now. Bring on the sunroof!)
No. 9 is doing perfectly. The neck measurement was really small, so our adjusted risk for Downs Syndrome is now one in five thousand plus (from one in seven hundred plus), and for Edward's and Patau's Syndrome, one in ten thousand plus (from one in thirteen hundred plus), and overall baby appears disgustingly healthy. And big. Did I mention big? Very big.
Wanna see our (big) kiddly??
No. 9 mid push up
OMG - the kiddly may be a total toad but my gosh those pics are just precious!
The kid is rocking my world. Awesomely awesome pics!!
Yay for No. 9 :)
Also, huge, HUGE yay for the wonderful, wonderful technician who said "... lets send you away with a little treat for hubby" and, half way through the scan, switched for a couple of minutes to the 4D scanner so that the husband could really see kiddly. (He couldn't be at the scan, so we paid for a DVD as well as piccies to take home for him - I'd only paid $25 for a 2D one though ... I couldn't really stretch to $160 for the 4D one)
nothing like a good scan to make a newish mother cry . . . tears of happiness tho. so so lovely to see the beastie in all its glory. magic!
as i write, amelia is trying to break out of her highchair, straining against the straps, and grunting in her usual determined manner. the floor below her is strewn with food scraps (bite, spit and throw - her feeding technique), and clothing from her change table (we need padlocks on all things storagey)
apparently, you have a BIGGER, even MORE VIGOROUS baby than amelia in there. rest rest and rest, is my advice to you.
I can't stop looking at this page!!!! it is TOOOOO cute. little fat tummy and johnsony nose and wriggly limbs all over the place . . . clucky is bad right???
Meh ... I checked my own blog about a hundred times yesterday just to look at kiddly :-)
Just remember - I'm sure those wriggly limbs are responsible for much puking. Remember the puking?? You did not enjoy the puking. (You know, it really does baffle me how kiddly has such strong objections to well planned, nutritionally beneficial meals, and yet thinks that sugar donuts are Christmas. Even if it's not a redhead, it's behaving like one)
I imagine that if Amelia's cousin adopts similar feeding techniques, Jack and Jess will be eternally grateful. And fat. But blissfully happy.
P.S. Might I suggest not mentioning the word clucky to granny with an ie? Her head would explode just at the thought.
(I wonder if she reads the comments as well ... I guess I'll find out if I receive an abusive text ...)
Oh wow! Look at your beautiful, gorgeous, GIANT baby!!
S/He is even making me feel a little nostalgic and clucky... That is not a good thing. Must tear self away from pictures.... NOW!
Truly awesome Simmone, I'm so happy for you.
And! YAAAAY for 13 weeks!
Yup....I had to come back and take another gander at the pic too....gorgeous!!!!! *cluck* *ahem*
um, no use trying to reason with a clucky woman. ever! we don't dp 'reaspnab;e'.
and yes, the dog people will be happy and fat - as is thomas, who has learned that if he stands under the highchair at feeding time, he gets food AND a free massage (little cankley legs going to and fro super fast all over his back while she giggles, making for more food droppage) BONUS.
Hehehehe the massage thing also works on cats too! Just ask our Bosco and Elly!! They love it!
What a gorgeous wee one! Yay!!!!!
cute cute cute cute yay for your big bubba !!!
congrats well done! i love the pics thanksso much for sharing them
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