We're not going to talk about the kiddly tool kit including a METAL HAMMER from Pop and Uncle Alex. Especially not after pulling up in a street in Grey Lynn the day after receiving it and seeing, rather prophetically, a little boy of about 3 wearing his hard hat, tool belt and gloves from an identical kit beating the hell out of his front fence with his metal hammer. I have visions.
Roooooooooockin' cup. That is actually awesome.
Damn straight it's awesome. It's awesomer than awesome. There was possibly a snively Ginger on the premises. There was definitely a squeeling-with-delight Ginger.
oh - snivelling is good. you are going to be SUCH a good mummy!!!
speaking of hammering, someone gave amelia a set of maracas . . . she spent a good hour 'hammering' at the full length mirror in our hotel room this thursday, much to our trepidation. the mirror stayed intact, but one eggcup met its maker as a result of like hammering.
tip: put rubber tips on the metal hammer NOW . . . or crash helmets on the puppies and other fur person.
We bought him a set of blocks at the weekend ... what are the odds he'll restrict himself to building towers and bashing them over ...?
GrannIE bought photos at the weekend BTW - I am most impressed by the pronounced nature of the evil glint on one times niece's eye ...
Dave has my grandmother's beautiful old upright piano in storage in Wellington - complete with ivory keys, every one of which is chipped thanks to older brother Warren's toy hammer. Go on, let Cuinn have his fun!
OK. He can have at your Grandmother's piano next time we're in Wellytown :-)
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