Conked out on his change table ... which may or may not have been a fake-out to get out of nappy change. But, since it's much easier to change a nappy on a non-wriggly baby, that idea didn't pan out for him. If only I could get him to sleep like that in his bed.
Why we're a lot sorry that Daddy has gone back to work. He does an excellent getting-the-kid-to-sleep.
See? (Have I posted this before? I have no idea and I'm too lazy to check)
And one random one, although it can probably be filed at a stretch with the kid under the things-we-grew banner - Corn!! From our garden!! It was supposed to be pearl barley, which it most definitely wasn't, but we forgive it on the basis that it tasted divine! Plus, it's so much easier to get the silk off fresh corn we've discovered. Bonus.

just to let you know, we will be sending some special hot chocolately goodness your way this week. i guarantee you will be addicted at first sight, let alone taste - use the frother on your coffee maker. altho, you will have difficulty getting the stuff out of the cup - and may need a spoon - it is that thick.
good to see the gorgeous cardigans are being utilised - little sweetie. we are back to nappies for daytime sleeps and onesies at night.
buffo is the word de jour - love it.
Mmm ... hot chocolate! The only problem is that you could be potentially setting yourselves up for regular requests :-)
I ordered some Teh Pants too - they should hopefully be in the mail box any day! They set me back the grand total of $41 including international post (forgive me carbon footprint for I have sinned) and the exchange rate. Excellent!
We're stinking hot again here too - the Thursday you visited and we were commenting on the heat, it turned out it reached 32.4 degrees in Auckland that day - the hottest day since receords began in 1868!!
My word is bobtanga ... pass?
unplo . . . is that describing the way a really unco person spells unco?
teh pants ROCK. i suspect they would be perfect for further pregnant nancies also, but am not game to trial them.
i can see that the H.C. is arriving just in time!
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