
Wednesday, 30 July 2008

How much of an excuse is No.9 really?

For sitting in my car at 7am on my way to work, eating a sugar donut?

*cough* andanotheroneassoonasIgottowork *cough*


Tanya&Andrew said...

best excuse in the world i say!!!!
mmmm donuts mmmmmmmmmmmmm
better then sitting at work with not enough food to satisfy one pregnant self (mental note)bring mroe food to work

Anonymous said...

hmmm, and this is the woman who shudders at the thought of taking paracetomol. women constantly amaze me with their ability to rationalise any and all food choices. that's why WE are the mummies cos we are smarter.

Simonne said...

I know ... but they were really healthy donuts!! :-)

(well, they're baked, not deep-fried and they actually have stuff all sugar on them ... although that could be because they're quite large so it's a surface area ratio thing ... but anyway!)

Anonymous said...

as i said, we are the mistresses of rationalisation . . . rock on i say!