
Tuesday, 8 July 2008


Since Stu keeps complaining about my name choices, I have come to a decision.

I shall name the kid after the day before the day I give birth to it.

Easy peasy.

Unless of course it's born bang on midnight. That could require some consideration.

(P.S. Does anyone else see the irony in Nicole Kidman giving birth to a child with the same name as a dessert .....?)

(P.P.S Heh. A contribution just to hand ... Sunday Rose sounds rather like Sunday Roast. Also ironic.)


Nikki Elisabeth said...

Is it not also ridiculous that Sunday wasn't even born on Sunday?!?! Bizarre.

(well... as far as the article says anyway)

Anonymous said...

Can you please call her/him 'Eight'?

Named after Buck Shelford's jersey mate.


Simonne said...

I can't name No. 9 eight. That's just being silly.

Anonymous said...

Why would you want to name your kid after Justin Marshall? That's being silly! Or is it a George Gregan thing? Does Al know about this?


Simonne said...

Who? Whaaa ...?

Simonne said...

Hehe. Maybe you should name Buttons George Gregan ... except don't forget about the hoodoo curse. I'm not entirely sure what happens, but I gather something falls off.