Five weeks on it's time to acknowledge that my beauty therapist really has abandoned me. Gone forever. And, the worst thing is that she has left the industry, so it's not even as though I can sit down with a coffee and the phone book and ring every single beauty clinic in Auckland (don't think I wouldn't do it) to hunt her down. Errr ... in a very non-agressive non-stalker type way, of course.
So, I must be brave. I must bubble-gum my broken heart back together and move on.
Here's hoping my new place will tolerate my bikini-wax related swearing, and not do evil things to my eyebrows. It would be very sad if a wax bar that looks so funky was a flop. It would completely ruin my unwavering belief that one really should judge a book by its cover.
given that you mention stalking, and your habit of swearing when undergoing beauty treatments . . . has it ever occurRed to you that she might have left the business because of, well, you know, YOU???
Occured to me? I imagine it's highly likely. After all, when she abandoned me she told me she had my contact details so she could do my stuff as a cash job on weekends ... and cue deathly silence :-)
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