The plan was to not go down the baby bag route for carting all things kiddly, but then we (ummmm... well, technically when I say 'we' I mean me, but you know) thought there may be times when one may come in handy. Plus, this is me we're talking about. And a bag. So, I began shopping. Or rather, I began looking and trying to convince the husband.
I did find a very cool bag early on that the husband developed an immediate and unreasonable hatred for (he said "What is it with women that when they get pregnant that all their taste completely disappears?" and I went psycho-hormonal on his ass. But, he stood his ground, so I caved in and continued looking. In my defence, I was still drugged up to the eye balls and No. 9 was relatively recent news, and it was my ONLY meltdown in the entire IVF process) so it took a bit of work, but in the end he found one that he really liked and I absolutely loooooved, and the rest is history.
Actually the rest is that it, of course, was heinously expensive because it appears that once upon a time Brad Pitt picked one up (probably for about 10 seconds) blast the man, and there's blimmin photographic evidence of said picking up. Argh. What the hell is Brad Pitt doing picking up an off the shelf product anyway? The man is worth squillions. Commission an original! Honestly!
But, the husband was not to be deterred, and felt there were astounding merits to the bag (I wouldn't get sick of it in 5 minutes (we hope) and want a new one for a start) so I hunted and hunted and of course because of blimmin Brad Pitt, no matter where in the world I hunted, it remained expensive. So, I gave in and found a New Zealand stockist which happened to be, praise be to whoever determines such good fortune, just down the road from my office.
Obviously the next step was to laybuy the bag in the hopes of forstalling a heart attack at the price, and maintain the laybuy at a minimum level for about a month in the hope that the husband would get back to work and do an overtime before I had to pay the balance ...or alternatively our annual power dividend thing would come through and I could use that to pay for it (nevermind the power bill. Who needs power?).
And then, something wonderful and magical happened (and very very sad too of course).
I was walking down the road at lunch time this morning, and there's a sign in the shop window. A big, red sign. A sign that says "Closing Down - 10% to 50% off everything". Gasp!! Obviously I rushed in with my mouth hanging unbecomingly open (I buy so many presents there, I really am gutted that the little store is closing) exclaiming my sadness ... while looking around at all the kiddly bargains of course. And then I made a joke that I shouldn't have laybuyed my bag afterall (because of course, usually if you have something on laybuy and the shop goes into sale it's stiff shite) and do you know what?
No, you don't. Of course you don't. You can't imagine! Which is why I'm going to tell you.
The owner of the shop cancelled my laybuy and GAVE ME 40% OFF !!!!!!!
It completely cheered me up after forgetting to bring my left over Macaroni & Cheese into work for lunch today.
To make matters even better, I've been worrying about what on earth I'm going to wear to a wedding in Queenstown in October that will be warm, gorgeous and comfy, won't make me look like a complete hippo, and won't involve owning something I'll never wear again AND I may have found the solution to the problem shortly after the bag joy, courtesy of the wonderful wonderful ladies at Taylor Boutique in Newmarket. Stay tuned till I talk the husband into it. It's black (actually it's licorice which is a tone of black), which is not reeeally a wedding colour, but black is the only colour that makes me look pregnant instead of fat at the moment, and the whole point is to avoid a hippoesque silhouette. And I know, I do, that it's early to be looking for something for a wedding in October when any number of astonishing expansions could take place between now and then, but I also need warm and warm is going to be disappearing from the stores in about a month to make way for freezing blimmin cold for Spring (which is fine, except I'm putting my money on it still being cold in Queenstown at the beginning of October).
I'm so excited, I have a headache. The husband has a headache too, but his seems to be related to my credit card.
That is one super cool bag. Doesn't even look like a nappy bag.
Oh my goodness! That's faaaaaabulous.
But minor error on your part with assuming you need something warm for October. You haven't got to the part of pregnancy yet where the little toad in your belly is part human, part FURNACE. I spent the winter in Dunedin sleeping with my window OPEN and having to kick off my duvet. I bought maternity pants from Pumpkin Patch over winter and couldn't wear them because they were too damn hot.
So... just in case, maybe you should wait? (Don't shoot me!)
Part furnace you reckon? I guess that's why I'm sitting in my office, in the midst of a southerly blast, with a fan on ...
This pregnancy business is *such* fun! I think there should be an option somewhere where you can just go straight to the kid bit :-)
Ahhh so you are potentially there already. I had thought it didn't hit til around 6 months. That little no9 is leaps ahead of his age already.
And definitely not on reaching the kid bit too early... you need 9 months to get used to idea of dealing with a kid for realz. Scary crap that it is! (Not to freak you out or anything ;) )
yep - I'm with nikki - the amount of life/body/sleep/sanity disruption that you experience DURING the pregnancy is directly proportional to that you will experience once it arrives. number 9 is TRAINING YOU, and doing a mighty fine job. you don't want to walk into motherhood cold turkey.
and, don't assume you will be cold in october, the little blighters turn on the heat at that stage. wait (not a word your patient ears respond to well I know) - think of that as training for MENOPAUSE.
i need chocolate now. bye.
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