
Tuesday, 17 February 2009

There is a blog post inside of me trying to get out

Unfortunately, there is also a kid down the hall who seems to have a sixth sense for when I sit down with even a hint of an idea that I might blog.

And then, he yells.


I can't even do a cheat post and fill it up with pictures, so you feel like you've had a post, but actually you haven't (like the last few) because I can't find the camera. Handy, that - We have a baby in the house growing quicker than a quick thing (guess what I'm doing this weekend/early next week? Buying cot sheets because he has outgrown his hammock (!! I'm not ready to move him into his own room!! It's too soon!! He's too new!! Actually, I'm not ready to have to go further than reaching out the side of the bed for his night feeds, but it sounds so much more maternal the other way), and 3-6 month sized clothing because his onesies are almost too short. By 'almost' I mean that I've probably only got a couple of days until I feel really guilty about the force I have to use to get the blimming things done up and on him. He's 4 weeks old on Friday. Honestly) and I can't find the camera to chronicle his progress. Excellent. Hopefully the husband knows where it is ... I remember to ask ... and then I remember to take photos.

Latest weigh in today is 4550 grams and we graduate from our midwife visits this week. Our final visit with our OB Paul is only 2 weeks away ... eek. Plus, the husband has gone back to work, so we're not only about to fly solo from supervision but we're actually beginning to settle into life proper.

Huh. I've just realised I've managed actual paragraphs here, which means that a certain baby might just be asleep (or else, I've forgotten to turn the monitor on and/or probably should remove my ear plugs), which also means that I could probably work on the blog post inside of me that really wants to get out. Booya!

Or not.

There's hollering leaking in around the edges of my ear plugs.

Note to self - Get better ear plugs.


Mel said...

So when is the move to the cot going to happen? Sounds like you guys are doing really well though! :) Let me know when you are ready to venture out for coffee and a chat!

Anonymous said...

How about ear plugs and those ear muffs constructions guys wear??

Anonymous said...

Wow. I am imagining Cuinn as the ginger equivalent of the boy on those milk ads getting measured on the wall, growing up really huge and tall :)
Fingers crossed you find the camera soon, I want to see this great big bundle of cute again!