Our little guest arrived courtesy of the cat, who thinks it's a fabulous game to bring little creatures inside the house, let them go, and then stalk them. Mostly, she catches them again, amidst varying degrees of chaos. In this instance, however, the mouse seems to have outwitted the cat. And, from the evidence below, the husband and the dog.
At the point the pictures were taken, Al had set up a glass with peanut butter in (mice loooove peanut butter apparently) by the grate under the fireplace, which was the last known location of the mouse. By last known, I mean that for about twenty minutes prior to Al putting the glass down, the little bugger had been popping his head in and out of the grate, watching us watching him, so we had his hang-out fairly well nailed. Anywho, we'd watched the mouse zip in and out of the glass, munching away on peanut butter for about 15 minutes, when Al decided to catch him. The plan was to take up camp by the fireplace and catch him by carefully placing a scrabble pad behind the glass where he'd be able to seal it off with the mouse in it, with the ultimate plan being to release it back outside in the woodpile (probably so it could come back in again to where the peanut butter lives, but there you go).
Except, by the time Al and Jack took their positions, the mouse was full. The only thing Al caught was a lick in the face from Jack, and I'm pretty sure Jack was just trying to work out the best way to get to the peanut butter. Still, they're so cute.

1 comment:
Very cute. Very male.
Figured out how to fix formatting (incase you are interested), highlight all text and click "remove formatting" button (providing you have one, of course) and then re-highlight text (I usually separate before and after photo - just to make sure) and re-do formatting! And voila! it should come out all nice and un-squashed.
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