Well, perhaps not the Redcoats, but certainly winter.
It's getting colder, especially in the mornings and at night, the days are getting shorter and darker, and there seems to be quite a bit of rain about (not to mention the fog this morning ...I could hardly see the car in front of me on the motorway!).
Winter is my favourite time of year. I like autumn, but winter wins hands-down. I'm a redhead, so I was bred for winter anyway. I hate the heat, so summer is last on the list. Obviously I'd prefer winter without the rain and wind, but you have to take the good with the bad.
There are definite disadvantages to winter, of course.
For a start, we have two inside dogs. Mess. Mess. Mess. Enough said. I feel really bad leaving them in their kennels during the day too (even though it's only half the day really) when the weather really turns. I don't know why I worry though ...the other day (when it'd been bucketing down for a good couple of days) I came home from work to find Jess curled up in a big puddle by the gate, snoozing in the pouring rain, waiting for me as she normally does, looking as happy as you like! Jack, more sensibly, was sitting on the porch, under cover, hopping about, wondering how to get to the gate without getting his paws wet. Not that there is ever an issue when you wave a lead under his nose. Hell no!
Getting washing dry is a trial. I hate using the dryer because it's vicious on the power bill for a start, and I have this thing about the washing drying in the fresh air. But, it's not
impossible to dry stuff outside in winter, it just takes longer ...plus my clothes fit on the inside line, and Al couldn't care less about how his clothes get dry, so there you go. We'll probably turn the spa off in the middle of winter too, so that evens things out.
Frizzy rained-on hair always drives me nuts, but I'm trying something new this year. Usually, come winter, I have no idea why, I chop my hair off short. This makes it prone to extra
frizziness, and unbelievably hard to style.
This year however, I have resisted the urge to chop, and I have a plan which involves a ponytail.
And now, the things I'm looking forward to ...the good, the great and the better when it comes to winter.
Fingerless gloves. I
loooove fingerless gloves.
And scarves.
And woolly tights.
And layers and layers of clothes.
Walking the dogs. Our monsters get walked every single day, usually for around an hour and a half to two hours, sometimes twice a day (Al might take them out when he wakes up, and then we go out again when I get home), and it doesn't stop for winter. We just load on the wet-weather gear, and off we go. Good boots, good layers, good waterproofing, it makes all the difference. Walking through the park in the pouring rain is so peaceful, and it's beautiful too ...the colours are so much brighter when it's raining. Plus, it gets darker earlier, so the dogs have an absolute ball hunting out and chasing rabbits, possums and mice etc (they don't catch them ...they seem to think that rabbits,
possums and mice are just self-propelled toys. Much more fun to just chase).
The other advantage is that summer dog walkers abandon the park for the season.
Yay! Summer dog walkers get under my skin mostly because during summer, the amount of dog poo left in the park (ergo, owners haven't picked up after their dogs) is staggering, and it almost stops during winter. Yes, less people walk, so it cuts down on it to start with, but you see the line that I'm drawing here, don't you? People who don't bother picking up poo seem to be the same sorts of people who seem to think that they're dogs don't need exercise and stimulation during the unpleasant seasons because it's not good for
them (the owners). Possibly some of you will consider that an unnecessarily cutting observation, but it is what it is.
Cold winter nights with the fire going are gorgeous, and it's so cute seeing our 3 animals trying to find an arrangement that suits them for sharing the fire. Plus, sitting on the couch, under a blanket watching TV or reading a book or whatever with the fire going and a hot chocolate in hand is
sooo nice. Or, you know, sitting amongst the animals, vying for my spot on the floor in front of the fire.
Of course, with the new work location, there will be no lovely hot Luscious coffee on the way to work in the mornings, but if I learn to make it myself, then I can take a travel mug PLUS as a relatively unrelated side point, I won't end up sitting in traffic for hours and hours because I won't be going on the motorway.
Tra la la! Ever noticed how so many
Aucklanders seem to forget not only where their
accelerator is, but also how to drive, when it's raining?
One of the best things about winter though? Stews and soups and fresh crusty bread. All homemade. Yum. It's no wonder people put on weight in winter. The food is so good! Plus, the extra insulation keeps you warm. Bonus!
There's more of course, but since you're probably asleep by now, I'll leave it there.