
Tuesday, 8 May 2007

What do you know?

It turns out that spending loads of money doesn't help you get pregnant. Who knew? Yes, I am being sarcastic, and yes, I know it was me who threw the dice in that direction last month.

Perhaps what let the side down was not booking a really expensive overseas holiday, or buying a new house, but you've got to be a bit reasonable about these things. When the car threw its toys out of the cot, it almost cost the same as a new house anyway.

In light of that, sort of ...the following conversation was had between me and Al the other night, yelled between the bathroom (I was in the shower) and the kitchen (Al was making a coffee), after the FA seminar ...

Me "Heeeyyyy!!"

Him (Silence. He thinks that if he ignores me when I'm yelling at him from the other end of the house, I'll get bored and give up)

Me "Oiiii!!"

Me "Hellooooo?!"

Him "What?"

(I always wear him down eventually)

Me "You know how IVF is going to cost $8,000.00?"

Him "Yes"

Me "Well, that means that the car actually cost almost half an IVF cycle, not just a third of one."

Him "I bet that makes you feel better"

Me "Yip."

On the plus side, not getting pregnant helps you recoup your losses on the loads of money you spent getting the car fixed.

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