
Friday, 8 June 2007

I want ...

The new Op Shop album.

The old Killers album.

The rest of Anthony Bourdain's books.

A Child Against All Odds by Robert Winston.

The first season of Men in Trees on DVD.

It's hard not buying stuff, but I've made it through my first week. I even made it through yesterday without buying anything to have for lunch. I had some bread in the freezer at work, and I just toasted that (and had a few half-milk milos). Yay me! It's $10.00 towards something else more important. For the achievement, it was almost worth sitting at my desk all day thinking about the banana cake, mandarins, milk powder biscuits, and one square meal muesli bar (have you noticed how difficult it is to get a muesli muesli bar these days? They're all chocolate coated, chocolate chunk, yoghurt coated ... you name it) sitting nicely packed in my lunch box, on the kitchen table, at home. Far away from me at work.

The thing I'm finding with spending seems to be breaking habits. If I was following my normal patterns for example, once I'd starting the Anthony Bourdain book that I'm reading and decided that I wanted to read more of his books, I'd immediately buy or order more. Instead, I'm taking my time with this one, enjoying it, and I may get another as my happy-credit incentive when starting fertility treatment. Again, yay me!

Sunday will be a test though ... I'm going to the market, and we all know how much I love the market. But, I got $40.00 cash out today (from my grocery budget) which is about half what I'd normally spend, and I'm going to stick to it. No buying miscellaneous luxury items. Except for perhaps a coffee and a crepe ... maybe. I may find super-human budgety strength and make it home without the indulgence, but I doubt it.

Sunday we're going to a musical (amateur theatre), but I've had the money aside for that, folded up in my wallet for a few weeks now, so it doesn't affect the budget. Someone I know is the lead, and he's such a performer just in general, I'm quite looking forward to seeing him on stage.

And, on that note, Happy Friday! 7.5 hours to go.

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