
Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Work and IVF

I am in the very fortunate position (well, in the relative scheme of things) where I have been able to be very open with work about what I am going through at the moment, and what is coming up in relation to IVF. When I went to see Dr. G the other week, the guys I work with knew where I was going, and so when I came back a couple of hours late, they didn't question it. Because they are the sort of people they are, and because I have been so open, I felt comfortable to blow work off for a couple of hours after the appointment when I just needed some time to clear my head. Work knows that when it comes down to work and fertility treatment, work comes second. Every time.

But, it's got me thinking about other people who are not so open with friends and family, and especially not able to be open at work about what they are going through, and how they cope. The thing with IVF is that it's not something you can take care of in your off hours for the most part. There are blood tests for example which must be done at a particular lab (eg. for F+ these must be done at the F+ Clinic at National Women's) and at a particular time (by 9am for FA. I presume it's the same for F+) ... you can't just head into the lab around the corner from home, or work, at lunchtime or home time or whatever. You will need scans too, and there is, of course, egg retrieval or embryo replacement which, admittedly, you can take a few days off for. But, what if you're like me and you have to be in the office for end of month for example? If you're not, you'd best be dying. What if egg retrieval falls at the end of the month? You don't get to choose dates for egg retrieval and replacement, or what time of the day they happen. This business is timed to the hour, and you do whatever you're told.

Bearing in mind that there are only so many dentist or doctor appointments, or deaths in the family one can have in any one month (and if old auntie Mable conveniently pops her clogs to coincide with your egg retrieval, you'd better hope she doesn't do it again a few weeks later for real) ... what do other people do?

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