
Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Never assume things are on the up and up

Yesterday afternoon, I thought our run of luck was improving.

Our TV is fixable. Score! Yes, it'll cost $400.00 (ouch) but at least there is plenty of quiet time in the house at the moment to meditate on how it could have been so much worse. And, $400.00 is a lot less than a new TV.

Aaannnd I am getting a new jersey. Now, before my fellow anti-consumerists leap up and bellow, I am getting it for free! Freeeee!! Happy joy. I phoned the store to see if they'd had any other freak shrinking issues with that particular garment, which they assured me they hadn't ... but in the same sentence they also offered me a replacement jersey.

Ta da!

Not quite.

Yesterday afternoon, as I left work, I realised I'd forgotten to put my cell phone in my bag. Usually, that thing is always by my side - morning, noon and night. I only leave it at home sometimes when I'm walking the dogs, but only if I'm with Al. Assuming it was sitting beside my desk, where I'd left it yesterday, I arrived at work somewhat perplexed to find that it's not there either. Hmmm. I did what you always do next, and rang it. Best way to work out where it is is to follow the ring, right? Except it's off. As in, someone who is not me has turned it off. The only time that phone is off, is when I am in a meeting, at an appointment, or it's flat. It was fully charged and I am not in a meeting, or at an appointment. I wasn't yesterday either. What I was was working in the back of the warehouse on and off all day. Someone has been into the office and lifted my cellphone. BOLLOCKS!

I need to pack up all my possessions for the next few days and hide under my bed.

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