And then, I saw this sign on the checkout lane ...
So, I, after saying, very loudly (I always forget about my inside voice in public places ...) "What the Dickens??" (I may or may not have actually said this exact phrase, but we've discussed before that my mother reads this blog, and therefore I reserve the right to lie blatantly about what comes out of my potty-mouth) stopped dead. Al of course, two steps behind, rammed into me and got all grumpy because I'd ground to an unexpected halt, and sworn loud enough to make people turn around.
He says "What? Why did you stop?" (He's staring at me like I'm a lunatic)
I say "We can't go in that aisle"
He says "Yes. We can" (still staring at me like I'm a lunatic)
I say "No. We can't. Look at the sign!"
He says "So?"
I say "But I have chocolate in the trolley"
You can imagine the look he gave me ...
Apparently the sign actually meant that there was no confectionery available for last-minute impulse buying next to the checkout. There were just batteries and lighters. NOT, as I thought, that you weren't allowed to put your groceries through that aisle if you had lollies in your trolley. Woops.
In my defence, it's been a long couple of weeks, the missing period finally showed up with a vengeance Friday night, and, for the love of all that is good, they've had confectionery free lanes as long as I've been alive, and no enormous pink signs at the checkout! I don't think it was that much of a reach to think, in a split second, that someone was taking healthy eating incentives to a whole new level...
And talking about healthy eating, we spotted these while we were in the bicky aisle ...
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