
Monday, 24 September 2007

I've been a tad remiss...

I completely forgot to tell you that I have a new job! There are any number of things we can blame that on though (aside from my lack of attention to detail), so I only feel a bit embarrassed.

So, the new job...

It's an old job!

Sort of.

I'm going back to legal, working for the solicitor I was working for before I moved to my current job. But, the plan is that the job will have a different focus. I'll be getting to play with the things that I love especially about that type of work. Oooohh ... and it's part time too! Very lazy of me, but kind of necessary. My endo is becoming an increasing pain in the ... huh. Uterus.

There are two slight drawbacks in that I won't be able to blog during the day because two of my old/new workmates read it (Hi guys!), and will know that I'm not working (bollocks), and I won't be able to winge about work. Same reason (plus, in case the boss gets curious too). Bollocks again.

Plus, I'm still not entirely sure about the genius of heading back into a legal office in time for the Christmas rush ...

But, having said that, there are no forklifts there, or idiot storemen that can't count (do you have any idea how I'm looking forward to working in a solidly intelligent environment again? *blissful sigh*), and I had to get some new clothes, which balances everything out pretty well. At this stage.

Anywho, consider yourselves up to date. And, just remember, don't talk about them! They read the blog!!


Nikki Elisabeth said...

Oh yay for employment! Pity about work connections tho ;)

And good on you for weeding. It means that I feel I need to put "weeding garden path" as a priority on my list of things that need doing post-essays. First sunny day I tell ya. Well, maybe instead I can train the Devil to do it? I knew there was a reason I kept her!

Anonymous said...

From the not so anonymous new (old) workmates: parttime means that when you get home in the afternoon, that is your first job!!! My morning MUST start with coffee and blog reading otherwise I don't have a good day. (although if you post in the afternoon that might be a sign for another coffee). Can't wait for next week.
ps - you do realise you are now handcuffed to the desk!! (and that means that birth takes place at the desk as does breastfeeding - it is a breastfeeding friendly environment here!!!!

Anonymous said...

Aye, we do read the blog Miss Simonne, aye we do!!!! But we're so nice that there'll be no need for bad blogs! (Plus we know where to find you - always a good incentive for a favourable review!). And don't try to make a new secret blog - the wonders of Google mean we will always be able to track you down!! Besides where else do you get Christmas Chocolate Trees on your desk from your co-workers? Like the "intelligent" bit about us - not so sure about the "solid" bit though!!
Our daughter has returned from her OE - intersting times ahead!!!!! :) :) :)

Nikki Elisabeth said...

Just an observation: if these new (old) workmates of yours can READ your blog at work, then I see no reason why you can't WRITE your blog at work.
It's all the same, right?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Nikki!Beside I hate having to wait for my blog fix. *sigh*

Simonne said...

You have a point Nikki m'dear, except for if the boss gets nosey - there's evidence that I blogged, but not necessarily evidence that that read, dammit.

Never fear though - I am working on an evil plan :-)

Anonymous said...

The boss is aware of the daily routine (nothing like being straight-in-your-face honest!): - open ASB system, open Outlook, open Blog! In that order - every day! (he knows who the real bosses are!).
We can't possibly change this routine, (a fresh blog each morning is essential!) so methinks we may be able to work around this little dilemma! :)