
Sunday, 30 September 2007

Jack: Mouse lover extraordinaire ??

Jack shared his bed with a mouse on Friday night. I really do have serious misgivings about that dog. It appears that he just curled up around it, gave it a wash, and nighty night (!!!!!!!!).

He's always been like that with his toys - if one of his toys is in his bed, he'll teeter on the edge of it, or even just curl up beside it, before he'll disturb said toy (I have a picture somewhere ... I'll see if I can find it). So, he obviously just lumped the mouse in the toy category.

In all honesty, as much as I can imagine that there's a hilarious blog post to go with this, I'm still too astonished that the blimmin thing made it out alive to put one together. It was shocked, and not a little astonished itself too I imagine, but alive nonetheless. Luckily it was still petrified enough that we were able to take it out and release it in the woodpile outside.

Who'd have dogs?


WWG said...

Hi, good photos, Good Blog :)
Look from Quebec Canada

WWG :)

Nikki Elisabeth said...

Cuuute dog story.
And love the pressies and flowers!!

Anonymous said...

oh dear, he has serious issues. when your redheaded triplets turn up (we have just been watching a story about a woman who had twins and then SEXTUPLETS BY IVF . . . 8 under 4 . . .), he will probably try and get them into his bed as well . . .