
Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Life's little provokers

Why is it that socks are such a pain in the ass?

And, when I say socks, I mean pairs of socks. As in, why the devil are the stupid things so hard to keep in pairs. AND, if you do actually, by some miracle, manage to keep them in pairs between wearing, washing (seriously, what the hell goes on in a washing machine that 2 socks go in, and one comes out?? Where does the other one go? Fine, I can accept that it ends up in a sock happy place, but how does it get there??), folding and putting away until the next wear, the whole damn pair disappears. Honest to ... ARGH!

This especially annoys me when it is my favourite socks that I can't find.

I actually bought, several weeks, three pairs of brand new socks because I was getting so incensed by the great sock insanity-provocation. Except, now I only have one left. And by one, I mean one sock. Singular. Not pair. Oh, no no no.

And the other thing is that you only seem to become fully aware of the sock situation when you're ten minutes late leaving for work, and your only options seem to be bare feet, or socks that only match if you close your eyes really, really tight, so you can't see anything.

I would really, really like to know where the hell my socks are.


Anonymous said...

I have no clue where your ones are but if you find them let me know...they are probably hanging out with mine. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

this is not original, as gen has already said it, but if you do locate yours, please let me know where, as i have dozens of single sox just wishing to be reunited with their mates.
i only keep them in case i lose a leg or foot in some tragic freak accident . . .
as soon as i throw a single out, the missing one reappears, so i am working on a reverse psychology thing where i PRETEND to throw them out, wait until said missing ones appear, then, reunite them. havent managed to fool the little fkrs yet tho.
sox are really really devious.