I've just realised that it is my very last 1st working day of the month in this job. Even better, it's almost half over.
Plus, in the interests of successful hand-over (but mostly due to can't be arsedness) leading up to my impending departure, I am not lifting a finger in the warehouse this month.
I feel quite cheerful about things all in all.
Just so long as I don't think too much about the whole unemployed-in-three-and-a-half-weeks business, it's all looking rosy.
Ooooo ... and I have piccies of my niece and she's such a pretty wee dot. I am such a lucky aunty.
1. does this mean you'll have to retire the steel-capped cowboy boots?
2. counting down the days isn't as much fun as it sounds. i'm dying over here - 27days is an eternity!
3. so where ar these photos then? you need a turorial in online photo sharing?
I hadn't thought about the cowboy boots ... oooo ... that's a bit sad. Still, it just means I'll have to replace them with something else, doesn't it?
I've just noticed that we're almost on the same timeline, just to 2 different things and yes, it's ages ... if it makes you feel any better, the wardrobe is completely empty. Haven't quite gotten as far as the bathroom drawer yet though.
Photos? Right. Photos. Off to share now ...
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