
Tuesday, 15 May 2007

You know what I forgot to do yesterday, eh?

I remembered after I got a phone call of the 'Oh, really?' variety from the husband, juuust before a friend emailed me and reminded me to take the post down.


In retrospect, I'm not sure why I relied on my memory to start with. I have a terrible memory, and it was bound to happen. You should see my office - there're post-its all over the place reminding me to do things. Lists and post-its. My office vaguely resembles that of Russell Crowe's character in Beautiful Mind come to think of it.

I could probably have passed the coffee post off to the husband as artistic licence or creative journalism, or whatever the equivalent thing is for making stuff up on blogs for the entertainment of the masses, except ol' genius over here attached photographic evidence, didn't she?

Sooo, guess who made the coffee last night at home?

I did quite well too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oops - dorky dork dorky letting him know - for heavens sake no more slips, or you will end up doing EVERYTHING yourself!